Monday, May 31, 2010



. . . So I was sick all day, with enough pain in my head and body that I could not really move or stand up without feeling faint. I rarely get headaches (thankfully) and yet there was even pain behind my eyes, so I did not even to to read and my computer has its own set of problems, so I couldn't even watch a dvd (which is also a rarity). There I sat in bed feeling nearly/almost totally immobilized and unproductive. Yes, even bored! It occurred to me as I tried to think of the last time I had eve been so confined or had so little to do (or that I could do) and I honestly could not ever remember having a day like this. (Even when I had my wisdom teeth out the medicine knocked me out for a full 24 hours!) I sat stunned for a moment, and yet as I was thinking back just recently to my 4 yrs of college, I never got terribly ill (though I have had a few scares). When others had flaring allergies and others were catching the "swine flu" I have not dealt with a major illness or bone break since middle school! And we all know how difficult it can be to miss and make-up college classes! My self-pity was replaced with a gratefulness and although i was bored, I felt like God was asking me to still offer this day up to Him and he could still teach me things as I simply laid in bed!
In the hours that I laid on my cot, the Lord reiterated the same message(s) to me THREE different times by THREE different sources! (Yeah, just try to tell me that's coincidence; I dare you. :) ) . . . Because it hurt to keep my eyes open, I placed a cool wash cloth over my eyes and head to help temporarily relieve some of the discomfort, and I "randomly" decided to listen to a Bethel podcast I had uploaded by accident a long time ago. Now again, I rarely again almost ever have the patience or desire to sit through yet another "lecture" after sitting through a week's worth of listening to them. However, there was so much overlap in what He taught me today about divine order. how we are purposeful creation as opposed to the philosophy of naturalism and contrary to what is taught in schools and popular by evolutionists. The podcast touched on the Biblical side to this. When my eyes began to feel better, I picked up Charles Colson's book, which did the same thing but brought to light the logical arguments for why there is an order; it's so simple and makes so much sense! Then Desiree was so kind to bring me up some hot chamomile tea and we began casually talking. The next thing I knew that came out of her mouth in direct alignment with what I had been listening to and reading! Desiree even quoted someone who said it actually takes more faith to believe in the Big Bang/evolution, because there is no rhyme or reason to it. Poof. It happened. And the statistics and age of the earth/fossils etc is consistently changing. . .

It makes so much more sense to think (at least to me) that there is an order. There is a natural order. We have hierarchal order(s). We have establishments, governments, natural laws and moral ethics. There are both written and unwritten rules. Chaos does not produce harmony; order does.

Jesus offers us a unique freedom because of the law.

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