Sunday, May 23, 2010

Beauty in Ooty. . .

5/13/10- Ooty, India

After flight delays, 3 plane rides, 3+ bus rides, 1 layover, and 1 taxi ride I am here! I am now grateful for the restlessness I experienced while in London, because it allowed me to not only sleep nine hours upon arrival but 5 more during the night! That is quite the feat considering traveled through quite a few time zones! And I mean, whoever complained about eating peanut m&m's at 5 A.M?! Tarrah (the coordinator for the volunteers at Freedom Firm) was kind enough to bring me some snacks to "tie me over," including about the richest milk I have ever tasted! The house I am staying at is like a rustic/Narnia farm-house and is owned by a missionary family with five children. They are wonderful, and I am comforted to know there is always something lively going on--whether that is tending to the animals or playing a game outside with the neighbors. I just enjoy knowing I am not cloistered here all by myself, and the community that Farley (Guest House) exhibits is a most welcoming home! The house is conveniently close to town, yet it is still sequestered away from the chaos of the town and stands a bit higher on the mountain, providing a lovely view! It is painted green and is such a life-giving home! After driving through 3 hours of shacks, this place is nicely hidden away in the Tamil Nadu Forest Reserve. There are brilliant colored flowers strewn all over the yard, and tier of mountainside, there is a different animal sitting on each hill. There are rabbits on the first hill, followed by a couple of sheep on the next, and the dog and cat roam lazily from one shady spot to another. The chickens and baby chicks also freely wander.
One of their five kids, Sunita began playing the piano last night, which happens to be directly below my room! I can't get much closer to home than that, because at home my room is right above the piano room as well! Even this first night, Annette (the mother and landlord) sat with me and candidly struck up conversation as if we'd known each other for ever. Like her house, I can tell her relationship with the Lord has been "thoroughly lived in," and both her home and her very disposition reflect the peace she has found in Him.
When I woke up at 5 A.M., I was shocked to hear the faint sounds of music playing downtown! Even before the music were the sounds of the roosters and the one pesky fly or mosquito buzzing oh so pleasantly in my ear. . . I am amazed and grateful my back doesn't hurt, however, because normally it does when I wake up! The cot I am sleeping on is significantly thinner than my bed at home, so I was so thankful and surprised when it didn't hurt! . . . I want to really take the verse in Galations to heart; the verse that talks about "not growing weary in well-doing". . . God, please prepare me with ideas and opportunities to personify Love!

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