- Christianna and I were on our own until about one o clock today with the girls! We were more than "didi's" today; we were teachers! :) Opened the day with reading some of Matthew aloud. The sang in Hindi. Krishma* prayed intensely and so unselfishly for so many people; she is really not as self-centered as she comes across at times. Lord, I pray this rough/external shell she projects would continue to be softened and transformed more and more into your likeness!
- Girl watched the epic "Planet Earth" dvd as Esther and I braved making a fire outside for the chai (because the power went out and the girls insist on having their "tea break"). I never realized how difficult it is to keep a fire going (esp. long enough to get milk and water boiling on separate occasions)! I went through almost an entire box of matches before realizing there was a candle in the school room I could use to re-light the fire... It was long and tedious work for sure, but I was so impressed with Esther's positive attitude throughout it all. She never gave up, because she knew it was her responsibility and wanted to do something kind for the girls.
- I was SO happy and encouraged with Shashikalla began to understand more of the alphabet, and it is evident she is LEARNING the material! Thank you God for small improvements!
- Christianna also thought of playing "hangman" which was a genius idea! I'm convinced any creative outlet we can combine with an educational challenge/lesson is MUCH more likely to stick in their memories than copying down something on a blackboard repeatedly! We even played a little hop-scotch to help them learn to count better (at least until her rained)!
- Ate lunch at the Malstead Resort... I mean house!
- Ate dinner w/ the Palms! Christianna and I ate well today! :) I look forward to Thursdays, because there is always such fun as we cut up and laugh together over a huge meal!
- This was the night we also found out Mala (little Mala) had a change of heart! Thank you, Jesus!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Mala's graduation day.
- Kyle left for Kenya today for 2 weeks. May You lead both Kyle and his team and help them "to find a need and fill it"! I pray they would see SO many lives get touched by you, Jesus!
- Rode the bust in to town with the girls today for our first "real" day at Smyrna! [I even spotted 10 rupees on the ground amidst the trash when waiting for the bus on the ride home!)
- I was so impressed with how fervently their prayers are-- and it occurred to me; they understand urgency and certainly pray with a sincere earnestness.
- Helped check a few math problems; the girls are actually quite good with mat so far; I think the objectivity of it all is why they like it (as opposed to the contradictions and complexities of English).
- Because we studied different animals this week, I had two of the girls, Sussi and Sangita read to me, and they learned the the word "rhino" (among some other words I hope) by the end of it! The really lit up by the end and I think they felt more confident afterwards because they wanted to read me a third book (even though I think we were just supposed to do one)! This made my day! Amol (Sangita's 5 year old son) even stepped into help and learn; he is such a bright little boy!
- Christianna and I later took Amol and Joanna (Sussi's one-year old girl) to the park and met some other great kids to play with! I was glad they had some playmates.
- Loved rocking Joanna and having her fall asleep in my arms.
- Loved helping the girls learn the alphabet, its sounds and began some light reading with them! I even braved the world of electronics/computers and we did some educational/interactive cd's on the computer today, which they really enjoyed! (Lord, now we just need consistent power in the building, so we can use the computer!)
- Christianna and I ate dinner with the girls at Rojaand didn't get back until after 8:30! Gone from 8 to 8! But now we have Saturday off and may even get to go to an animal wildlife reserve!
- I was SO touched tonight when Krishma* showed us her photo albums--oh what stories these pictures tell! My head was in my hands when we finally to the picture of her younger sister, who is 14 years old and was just given into a child-marriage. (The marriage was forced upon the girl by her grandmother who is the same woman who coerced Krishma into prostitution, so she could live off her wages.) The husband is twice her age, and she is already pregnant. . .There is speculation that this man will also force her into prostitution. Just a couple weeks ago Krishma went home to her grandmother's funeral of all things, and she pleaded with her sister to come back with her to Ooty, yet the Enemy's stronghold is prevalent over this poor girl that she doesn't want to disobey her dead grandmother's wishes in exchange for freedom and to be with her only family (Krishma). Naturally, this broke Krishma's heart. . . Oh Jesus, make sense of this all. I pray justice would come to fruition for her sister's behalf.
- *name has been changed
- Helped Christianna (the latest FF volunteer) and her dad (who is visiting India for 2 wks) move into Farley! Felt SO much better today--basically 100% with only slight dizziness.
- Helped orient Christianna as best as I knew how. I'm so thankful for our friendship already and I only met her this past Sunday morning when I went to church (and then went home right away because I felt more sick) I think we are going to make a great team!
- Played a couple games with Kevin (her dad) and Christianna. One was called "blink" and the other was a simpler version of scattergories--so fun!
- Ate my first "Indian/American" grilled cheese which ended up being slightly burnt but good nonetheless!
- Day of relaxation; yes I had the day off.
- Began with a 200 rupee pedicure which is the equivalent of 4 dollars! This was a nice luxury, because I almost never go to get my nails done!
- Desiree and I spent about 6 hours dabbling around Ooty, pricing different souvenirs, and haggling over different deals. (Reminded me of the days I used to go to yard sales with my mom!)
- Bought some groceries including some fresh apples!
- We ate lunch at a place called Willy's that serves western foods and is owned by one of the ladies who attends the "jazzercize" class (which is the ever popular exercise class in town). We scarfed down the ever healthy choices of a tomato, cheese and garlic pizza which naturally had hints of curry flavoring instead of the typical tomato paste used on "American pizza". The French fries tasted quite "American,"however, and we even topped off the meal with a brownie fudge sunday. . . And our total bill was under 4 dollars I believe!
- On my way home, however, I experienced the "kiss of India" and began to feel sick. For the remainder of the day and all day Sunday I was feeling quite queasy and my body "ached" all over. . . Not exactly the ideal way to end the day, but God is so faithful. . .
Day at Avalanche Camp!
- Dinner with the Fazers (the people who own Farley Guest House where I stay).
- Actually had fun cooking and making homemade bread (a swiss dish) and eating a yummy veggie salad (I finally had some fresh vegetables)!
- Even got the fee the rabbits the vegetable peels--actual rabbit food!
- Helped Mala organize the jewelry and "purge" the different designs and select which ones will eventually go towards their online micro-enterprise they want to begin for the girls (called Ruhama) Felt good to have such a productive day!
- Read some of Charles Colson's book--it's so good! Just wish I had read it earlier on in my schooling...
- What a treat it was to work with girls from both FF and IJM (since I have been attracted to both of these organizations for a long time)! It was a dream come true! Girls who hardly knew me were affectionate towards me and called me "sister".
- I had a great time spending time with the "American team" (which was actually made up of many Europeans!) too and swapping stories of how they felt called to India.
- Jesus, may you bless this camp--take what little seeds they give you and multiply the harvest like a wild vine!
- Went to the boat docks after coffee* (cough or cake in my case. . . for breakfast with tarrah) and rode a small motor boat in the lovely [sewage] water. (The water is so bad that apparently a few days before all the fish in the lake were "belly up". )
- Went to the Rose Garden (a different garden from the one I went to the other day) and it was absolutely breathtaking! I've never seen so many types of roses in my life!
- Experienced what it's like to have paparazzi--with the white skin, we became part of the tourist attraction; I was asked to take so many pictures to teh point that one of the IJM staff said to charge them... ha, I can see it now. I'm holding up a sign "Rupees for grad. school!"
- Tasty Indian lunch at a fairly clean restaurant!
- Finally saw Mala (first time in what 5 years?!) Tlked with her on the bus ride to her house for the girls to get a taste of "horse therapy". I could frankly see myself as a "Mala wannabee" (she and her husband began FF)--she's simply lovely.
- Horse therapy at the Malsteads--so fun! Helped the girls brush the horses/saddle them up etc and begin to build trust with these once abused animals. Got to lead the horses as they courageously mounted and rode them! For many of the girls, this was their first time on a horse!
- Malstead's home is one of the most beautiful homes on earth, and they deserve every inch of it after living in the heart of Mumbai for 5 years and in Ooty for another 5. In fact, I just learned this is the first house they have ever owned, because they have been renters their whole lives! I am so happy for them!
- Took an auto home for 50 rupees, which means I didn't get "ripped off" (which is more than typical as being a "white" foreigner.
We are all Truth-seekers...
- I showered for the first time while in India and actually had hot water! (furnace run) The chickens blocked my entry at first as they were devouring a dead fish that made me almost gag...
- I got 10,000 rupees out today--sounds like SO much money when it's really only around 200 dollars.
- MET THE GIRLS!!!! They are lovely. Jesus, may you keep doing redemptive and renewing things in their lives!
- Helped them a little with their English and math but mainly observed for the 1st day.
- Ate lunch with them at Smyrna (the name of their school) and ate with our hands! (Insert slight culture shock here.) I thought eating rice with chopsticks was challenging enough, and now I was expected to eat with my hands?! needless to say, I made quite a mess but no one seemed to mind; I was even corrected to use 5 fingers instead of 3. (So much for trying to be delicate!)
- Susai (such a kind man and the driver for FF) drove all of us to the 114th annual Ooty flower show. I stuck out like a sore thumb being the only white girl there, but I had a great time! The girls immediately called me "Didi" which means "sister" in Hindi; it made my day for sure!
- The girls are very affectionate. They asked me to show them a few dance steps at the school, then told me to not dance in public--haha. I couldn't help it; there was music playing in the gardens and I couldn't help but sway ever so slightly!
- One of the girls, Esther, said she likes to "worship the Lord [in regards to dance] but doesn't like the kind of dance that's in the movies". . . Something about what she said struck me. It was as if God was in the process of her redeeming her innocence by that statement alone, as she was drawn to the purity of dance.
- Visited Anik's home today--I am so impressed she speaks 3 languages fluently! She is so wise and has SUCH a big heart (as she has to because she is the direct person in charge of the girls)! Possibly the most influential person to these girls...and rightfully so!
- Came home, napped for an hour.
- Skyped some favorites til the wee hours in the morning!
- Realized how "cool" (for like of a better word) God is (yet again). I feel like He's been telling me "the prayers of my people are sustaining you" and that's EXACTLY what Leah has been praying for me! She's been praying for safety (my other leading "personal" prayer request at the time) and that "God would sustain me" because she "didn't really know 'exactly' what to pray for"...funny, right? Meg also sent me an incredibly encouraging and jam-packed message with a verse about sustainment and a ton of other stuff I still need to process through. Thank you again, Megan!
- Slept the whole night for the 1st time since leaving for my trip!
- Funny God/moth incident. There was a giant moth in my room making a lot of noise and (having a slight girly girl streak in me regarding bugs) I was not about to go to sleep, although I was exhausted. So I begged God to let it leave my room (Meg is teaching me to "barter" with God, haha) and just seconds later after it was spastically flying around my room it got caught in one of the rafters and that was the end...Thank you God for caring about the little things.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
If you'd like to read more about Freedom Firm...
Beauty in Ooty. . .
The art of honking...Intro to Indian driving
And the adventure begins...
Family & Friends,
For a number of reasons, I am finally buying into the "blogging idea"! I mainly am doing this to keep you updated on my "day to day" news, as I am here in Ooty, India for 2 months working with a wonderful organization called Freedom Firm! For those of you who don't know, they are an organization that targets sex-trafficking for underage girls specifically in India. The organization has an effective fourfold strategy that involves: investigation, intervention, prosecution and aftercare. In my time here, I have the honor of working with the Aftercare program as a volunteer A number of you are supporters of me in more than one form or fashion, and I feel it is your right to now what is going on! Also, this will help provide a "back up journal" for me personally! So without further adieu, here I go!
First off, I want to provide you with some of the background information that led up to this miraculous trip -in -the- making. . . The Lord's hand has truly been in this whole process. In regards to Freedom Firm, this organization has been on my heart for FIVE years! I was a senior in high school when I first heard about it, and about the same time I remember attending a certain “Disciple Now” (a youth retreat for teens) weekend where the emphasis on the weekend was on justice. I began to hear about sex-trafficking and recall praying intensely with the youth group for their specific ministry. The Lord proved faithful that last day of the retreat, because when Sunday morning rolled around we received an email saying they had rescued another girl from a brothel! A few years later the founders of Freedom Firm came to speak at Grace and I felt a strong longing to help. I remember talking with some other high school girls to Mala (the founder for the Aftercare program for the girls) after their presentation and asking her what we could do. She said to keep praying and that she would love to have some of us actually come over to India because there is an age barrier between the volunteers and the rescued girls and we could perhaps relate better to them and help assist them in learning a new trade so that they could take care of themselves...
Well the desire was definitely planted then and there to go, but I knew I had to finish high school and attend college, so although the idea was still buried in my heart, it was clouded by circumstances. However, God in His sovereignty has the perfect timing and order for everything. . . Sometime this past Fall (2009) my mom was hosting one of her piano recitals for her students at our church, Grace Evangelical. While she was there, she "happened" to "stick her head in to say hi" during a meeting with the associate pastor and one of the members of the missions board who were discussing the ways they wanted to rewire or revamp the way our church did missions. Apparently a new goal for them was to send a few people from Grace on a few 2-3 month mission trips and thus make missions a more inward focus. Well, to my mom's surprise, they said that they had JUST been talking about me and wanted to see if volunteering at Freedom Firm would be something they thought I would be interested in doing! This is amazing because neither of them had ANY idea that I wanted to go, which means it HAD to have been the Lord prompting the whole missions board! My mom could barely contain her excitement and called me right away! We agreed to prayerfully consider, but it was basically a "no-brainer"! The Lord was giving me the desires of my heart...which also turned out to be His heart!
Working out the details for my graduate schooling was also a test, because grad. school was supposed to begin in June, but through a long journey of sorting everything out, the professors were not only supportive but one of them actually rearranged the entire schedule of one of her classes for one other girl and myself (and she is a stickler about her schedule)! Furthermore, though I felt like the least likely to deserve it and get hired for the desirable "assistant positions" with a professor, one of the professors hired me the day before graduation as his assistant! There are more details to how this happened, and I would love to share with you if you would like to know more!
Other obstacles included passing one of the most difficult courses I have taken since college (in which class I studied for more than all my other classes this past semester combined) and purchasing a brand new plane ticket when my entire flight was cancelled a week before I left! This too was the Lord, because my previous ticket had me on five different plane rides to get to India (we were trying to find the most inexpensive deal) and this new ticket had me dealing with 3 airlines instead and was almost the same exact price and left the same day! Truly unbelievable!
. . . Well on Saturday May 8th I graduated from Georgia College & State University with a degree in English (literature concentration) and a minor in dance, and on May 9th I was at the airport ready for my departure!