7/06/10 Saturday
Saturday morning Christianna and I spent almost the whole day with the Roja girls. Because [little] Mala graduated recently there are only two girls left in the house (though other girls who’ve graduated attend the school still and are more active with the jewelry-making). We helped finish up some minor chores and then it was time to go shopping! The girls convinced us to buy some material to have “sari’s” made for each of us, and we got some toys for the kids. It has been so sweet to witness these girls’ generosity that they have towards one another. One of the girls spent a good half hour asking for our opinions as to what was a “pretty dress” for a friend of hers who is turning ten in just a couple months. She haggled over prices to get the best deal and even bought the girl a set of matching jewelry to match. Then, after we got home (and although it was her “day off” she spent a good few hours stitching up some of the loose ends and making the dress as beautiful as it could be). She also asked us to dye her hair with henna (which looks like straight up Georgia clay when applying) and to which she left on her hair for THREE hours to give her shiny black hair a reddish tint! Yes, my hands look a little diseased from the color, but it was a lot of fun, and I’m glad we could do something for her. The girls even cooked lunch for us, and we enjoyed conversing about their lives, looking at recent photographs, and even playing a few round of “Connect Four”. By the time we got home, Christianna and I were a bit beat, and although we started a movie to help us “unwind” we both ended up falling asleep nearing the beginning of the movie! (This actually happened two nights in a row! Haha) It was a great day with the girls, and I am so thankful there were no big discipline issues that arose and that we had such a pleasant time together! Jesus, may it be this good if not better the next time! Thank you!
Joye - thank you for taking the time to share your stories with us. Having been to Ooty a couple of times I can visualize the people and places you describe (even the visit to the hospital). You are being stretched and shaped in remarkable ways - thanks for being so responsive to all Father is doing in you and through you! I continue to pray for you -